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王文平 讲师


王文平简介:王文平,山东菏泽人,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。2022年获中国科学院城市环境所环境科学专业博士学位获得2022年中国科学院优秀毕业生;2022年2月至今,淮北师范大学 无脊椎动物生理生态实验室。

在Water Research、Science of the Total Environment等国内外高水平期刊发表学术论文20余篇,1项发明专利,主持、参与多项国内外基金项目。主要从事浮游生物生态及分子进化方面的研究,尤其是在亚热带水体中对有壳虫类群生态过程方面的研究受到国际同行的高度关注。熟练掌握生态学、分子生物学研究方法和相关统计分析技术方法。参加国内外生态学和原生动物学会议,多次获得优秀报告联系方式:yangguang1w2@163.com


1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(巢湖蓝藻水华暴发过程中原生动物群落构建及两种优势种控藻机制的研究. 32301376)

2. 主持安徽省高校自然科学基金不同富营养化采煤塌陷湖中原生动物群落演替及构建机制的研究. 2023AH050350

3. 主持国家重点实验室开放基金巢湖原生动物群落构建及与其他浮游生物的互作关系. 2022SKL011


Wang WP, Ren KX, Chen HH, Gao XF, Rønn R & Yang J*. Seven-year dynamics of testate amoeba communities driven more by stochastic than deterministic processes in two subtropical reservoirs [J]. Water Research, 2020, 185, 116232.

Wang WP, Gao XF, Ndayishimiye JC, Lara E, Lahr DGJ, Qian HF, Ren KX, Chen HH, Yang J*. Population and molecular responses to warming in Netzelia tuberspinifera – an endemic and sensitive protist from East Asia [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 806, 150897.

Mamun AA#, Wang WP#, Jin L, Chen HH, Xue YY, Jeppesen E, Majaneva M, Xu HL, Yang J. Planktonic ciliate community driven by environmental variables and cyanobacterial blooms: A 9-year study in two subtropical reservoirs [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 858, 159866.

Gao XF#, Wang WP#, Ndayishimiye JC, Govaert L, Chen HH, Jeppesen E, Xue YY, Yu XQ, Yang J. Invasive and toxic cyanobacteria regulate allochthonous resource use and community niche width of reservoir zooplankton. Freshwater Biology, 2022, 67(8): 1344-1356.

王文平,高肖飞,陈辉煌,任可欣,金磊,杨军*. 中国瘤棘奈氏虫种群密度和形态特征的时空差异及其影响因子[J]. 科学通报. 2022. 66: 85-103.

Wang ZY, Zhang FY, Jin QD, Wang YP, Wang WP*, Deng DG*. Transcriptome analysis of diferent life-history stages and screening of male-biased genes in Daphnia sinensis. BMC Genomics, 2022, 23:589.

Cao YQ, Zhao YJ, Qi HY, Huang JF, Zhu FC, Wang WP*, Deng DG*. Screening of morphology-related genes based on predatorinduced transcriptome sequencing and the functional analysis of Dagcut gene in Daphnia galeata. Current Zoology. 2023, doi.org/10.1093/cz/zoad022.

陈辉煌, 王文平, 薛媛媛, 高肖飞, 金磊, 杨军*. 2022. 食物与桡足类营养级对亚热带分层水库浮游动物群落结构的影响. 湖泊科学, 34(1). DOI: 10.18307/2022.0105.

Ndayishimiye JC, Nyirabuhoro P, Wang WP, Mazei Y & Yang J*. 2020. Morphology of testate amoeba Difflugia australis (Playfair, 1918) Gauthier-Lièvre et Thomas, 1958 from a subtropical reservoir (southeast China). Zootaxa, 4890, 97–108.

Gao XF, Chen HH, Govaert L, Wang WP & Yang J*. 2019. Response of zooplankton body size and community trophic structure to temperature change in a subtropical reservoir. Ecology and Evolution, 9, 12544–12555.

Wu JX, Wang WP, Deng DG*, Zhang K, Peng SX, Xu XX, Zhang YN & Zhou ZZ. 2019. Genetic diversity and phylogeography of Daphnia similoides sinensis located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Ecology and Evolution, 9, 4362–4372.

Zhang K, Deng DG, Wang WP, Peng SX, Liu F & Ji L. 2020. Long-term eutrophication affects vertical changes of Daphnia ephippia in the sediments of a subtropical Chinses lake. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 4737–4745.




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